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Single Firetoys simple basic boomerang - red

Single Firetoys simple basic boomerang - red

AU$ 4.5
A small boomerang that really works:
- Very light weight to reduce potentially injury from unseen returning boomerangs and reduce window breakage.
- If thrown correctly, travels in a circle about 10-15m in diameter.
- Plastic construction allows for some resilient to damage from fumbles.
- Designed for right handed users.
- Suitable for children.
- Cheap to replace - economical 3 packs are available too.
- While these do work - they are not made for serious use. Please look at our other boomerangs and returning frisbees in this case
To throw, picture how your favourite action hero would throw a knife at a bad guy, with the knife cartwheeling end over end as it flies. From this position, tilt the boomerang a few degrees so the curved side is facing away from the ground just a bit.